Stage 4 of the Towpath Trail Opens Connecting Tremont and the Flats
Behnke Landscape Architecture Mourns the Passing of Founder William (Bill) A. Behnke
Goodyear Global Headquarters Continues to Foster Interaction, Communication, and Innovation
John Carroll University get Planning Approval to Add Tennis Courts to Belvoir Boulevard
University of Akron Set to Unveil New Skeeles’ Field
See the construction time-lapse video and article from the University of Akron here.
Don Shula Stadium at John Carroll University Receives a New Turf Field
Lakewood Celebrates a New and Improved Cove Park
Ely Stadium Grand Opening is Celebrated by Students and Community
Cascade Park Has Become a Popular Addition to the Lorain County Metro Parks’ System
We've moved!
2658 Scranton Road, Suite 2
Cleveland, OH 44113
Come visit our new home in the historic Wagner Awning Building in Tremont
Image courtesy of Case Western Reserve University
Case Western Reserve University Receives Cleveland Engineering Society Award of Excellence for the Maltz Performing Arts Center
Flats East Bank Riverfront Boardwalk Offers Spectacular Views
CSU Center for Innovation in Medical Professions Receives Cleveland Engineering Society Award of Excellence
Nestle Research Center Receives Cleveland Engineering Society Award of Excellence
Jim Ziemnik, Lorain County Metro Parks, receives Gold Award for the Black River Bikeway
Greater Cleveland Trails and Greenways Conference
Behnke is excited to play an integral part in the Northern Ohio Active Transportation movement. We return to the 2016 Greater Cleveland Trails and Greenways Conference on the planning committee and the Showcase committee, and as a conference sponsor, exhibitor, and presenter. We hope you can make it on June 2, at the Brecksville Human Services Center. For more information, go to GCTrails.org and check out this news spotlight: http://tinyurl.com/GCTrailsNewsCast
Flats East Bank Resurgence on Cleveland's Riverfront
Behnke played a key role in the planning and design of the Flats East Bank Multi-use building and River Walk, which was completed summer of 2015.
Behnke Sponsoring & Volunteering at RiverSweep 2016
As a continuation of our commitment to our community and our environment, Behnke is a proud returning sponsor of and participant in this fantastic Done-In-A-Day event. We're upping the ante this year, and are running a pick-up and information station on our office's front porch. Come join us!
Fairview Park City Hall Green Infrastructure Retrofit
The pervious pavement and bioretention in this project not only benefits the community and our region, but the best value-add on this project was the building-entry enhancements realized through budget savings from intelligent design.
Cleveland History Center Receives Green Infrastructure Award
Scranton Flats Bird Sightings Are Up To 94 Species!
Behnke is excited to see the return of many kinds of wildlife to Cleveland's Downtown and the Cuyahoga River.