Behnke served as the landscape architectural subconsultant to the engineer lead for the Pearl Road Streetscape project. This particular corridor serves as a main arterial, US 42, and also as a gateway to Old Brooklyn and the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Our team had to adhere to strict ODOT design standards, while also developing a welcoming, safe pedestrian and bicycling environment. We designed this streetscape improvement to create a more dynamic, comfortable, and safe pedestrian and bicyclist experience, while also promoting economic revitalization for the businesses along this corridor. Our scope of work included:

  • Design that conformed with ODOT standards, City of Cleveland standards, and Green Street legislation.

  • Colored / stamped concrete in crosswalks, amenity strips, and transit waiting areas.

  • Streetscape plantings, site furnishings, and lighting coordination.

  • Bicycle lane and public art location coordination.

This project contained a highly interactive design development process with the City of Cleveland, the Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation, and Land Studio, whom was responsible for commissioning the artist for the public art element. The public art helps to define and set apart this corridor with large whimsical carrots, while also representing Old Brooklyn’s farming history.