The Village of Chagrin Falls and the surrounding municipalities possess many local and regional amenities that attract long-term residents and over 12,500 regional, national, and international tourists annually.  However, the existing infrastructure does not serve non-motorized users well.

Funded through a NOACA TLCI (Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency Transportation for Livable Community Initiative) grant, Behnke developed a long-range vision that will enhance the community's quality of life and promote safety using a network of non-motorized routes, bike lanes, and all-purpose trails, connecting key local and regional resources.  

The project involved extensive data analysis within the 21 square mile study area, which is home to 17,000 residents. Existing conditions included:

  • examining previous planning studies

  • compiling and analyzing GIS data regarding land use, natural features, bicycle accident history, road and Right-of-Way widths, and regional context and connections

  • assessing existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities and roadway conditions through photo- and video-documented site reconnaisance,

  • and gathering citizens' needs and opinions through public meetings, focus groups, online surveys, blogs, and websites.

The Chagrin Falls Alternative Transportation Study Report concluded with a comprehensive menu of recommendations:

  • Prioritized pedestrian and bicycle facility development, categorized by end-user skill level and municipality,

  • Trailhead, bicycle parking, and bike station locations,

  • Signage, pavement marking, and drainage structure grate improvements,

  • Motorist and non-motorist education, legislation, and law enforcement,

  • Traffic calming measures,

  • Non-motorized transportation promotional events,

  • Historic site and natural feature educational circuit,

  • Maintenance and operation planning, and

  • Funding sources and implementation strategies.


Construction Cost:  $26.5 - 33.5 Million